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Yingcheng Formation
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Yingcheng Fm base reconstruction

Yingcheng Fm


Age Interval: 
Early Cretaceous, (19) K1yc

Jilin, Liaoning

Type Locality and Naming

Songliao Basin. G. Morita erected the Yingchengzi volcanic group in 1941. The type locality for the designation is in Yingcheng of the Jiutai City of Jilin. The reference section is down the boreholes No.341 and 343 of the Yingcheng Coalfield of the Jiutai City of Jilin.

Lithology and Thickness

The Yingcheng Formation is represented by a set of intermediate and acid coal-bearing volcanic rocks, which is divided into three parts. Lower part is represented by gray purple and gray green andesitic tuff and andesite; Middle part is dominated by tuffaceous conglomerate and sandstone with andesite; Upper part is rhyolitic tuff and rhyolite with tuffaceous sandstone, conglomerate and coal beds. The Yingcheng Formation is 860.5 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The base of the formation marked by andesite basalt lies disconformably on the underlying Shahezi Fm.

Upper contact

The top marked by gray green rhyolite lies unconformably under the red conglomerate o the overlying Quantou Fm.

[Figure: Contact between gray rhyolitic tuff of Yingcheng Formation and red conglomerate of Quantou Fm in Jijialing of Changtu County, Liaoning Province]

Regional extent

The present formation is mainly distributed in the Yingcheng coalfield, Shibeiling and Liujiayoufang areas. It varies considerably both in lithology and thickness. In the Huihuiying-Guanmashan area, basic volcanic rocks of the lower part of the formation is absent; in the Maanshan-Yujiadian area there occur compositionally compound conglomerate bed at the base of the formation, with a thickness of 1175 m; in the Jingyue-Dadingzishan area of Changchun, the formation is built up by gray white and gray purple rhyolite with a small amount of gravel-bearing sandstone with coal streaks at the base, 165 m thick, unconformably lying on granite; in the Yangcaogou area of the Jiutai City, the lower part of the formation is dominated by pyroxene andesite, the middle part rhyolite and the upper part normal clastic sedimentary rocks with coal beds, about 600 m thick. The present formation richly yields perlite, bentonite zeolite, etc.




The formation yields plant fossils, spores and pollen, conchostracans, ostracods and the brackish-water Vesperopsis - Balmula dinocyst assemblage including Balmula granorugosa, Balmula sp. and Pseudoceratium sp. It yields floras Coniopteris onychioides, Cladophlebis sp.; in the Yingcheng Town of Jiutai, bivalves Ferganoconcha cf. daqingshanensis, F. laioxiensis, Sibireconcha golouae; insects Archaeogomphus sp., Clypostemma xyphilia; and floras Coniopteris cf. burejensis; and in the Yingcheng coalfield, ostracods Cypridea sp., Lycopterocypris torsuosus.


This implies that its range is close to that of underlying Shahezi Fm because these two formations have a common dinocyst assemblage at the generic level. However, the assemblage in the Yingcheng Formation is dominated by Balmula granorugosa, indicating that they differat the species level. Radiometric dating of volcanic material of the formation has provided an age between 115 Ma and 109 Ma (Zhang et al., 2009, 2011) or 112-105 Ma (Huang et al.,2011) corresponding to the late Aptian-early Albian. Moreover, the formation disconformably rests on the mainly Barremian Shahezi Fm. All these facts point to an Aptian-lower Albian range for the Yingcheng Formation. [modified quote from Kosenko et al., 2021]

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

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    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

It mainly belongs to volcanic eruptive facies, normal clastic deposition, locally swamp facies.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Wan Xiaoqiao

Enhanced with Igor N. Kosenko, Jingeng Sha and Boris N. Shurygin (2021). Upper Mesozoic stratigraphy of Sikhote-Alin (Russian Far East) and northeastern China: Non-marine and marine correlations. Part 1: Upper Jurassic-Hauterivian AND 2. Barremian-Aptian. Cretaceous Research, 124: articles 104811 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104811) AND 104812 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104812)